Member-only story
Buying a Tesla Model Y
How to and why choosing electric is out of reach for too many
For reasons I can’t entirely explain, I’m concerned with the plight of humankind and the collective selfishness of many northern hemisphere countries on stage at COP 27 this week. I’m vexed by the bare faced lies and obfuscation, common parlance from governments, oil companies, airlines, car manufacturers and every other vested interest kicking the carbon can down the road.
I also admit to being that middle aged greenish person, a champagne socialist to resuscitate an old label, unaffected by the stupidity of this British government with time to investigate, discover and share experiences. A luxury not afforded to many in this country, never mind the world.
I’m very grateful.
The experiment is finished
The reason for buying a Tesla Model Y, is because my longer than expected test is over. Driving an electric car is so much better than the alternatives, aside from no car at all. Beyond bicycle distances and London’s excellent public transport network, a car remains the only option.
A year ago, I found a company, Onto, which only rents electric vehicles on monthly contracts. Although terms and conditions are similar to the more established leasing schemes which…