Member-only story
Dumb Doubletree, typical BP, battery swap and new High Line
A collection of climate stories mostly
Brands behaving badly
Doubletree Hilton Chester and BP Pulse
I had the pleasure of staying at the Doubletree Hilton, Chester on Friday night. A flying visit to see my son at college and a school reunion for me on the Saturday, 40 plus years on.
I’d stayed at this Hilton once before and remembered it had plenty of parking. I neatly forgot about investigating overnight charging until I drove through the gates on Friday afternoon. Perhaps I’d get lucky.
In the furthest corner there were three dalek-like aliens offering electrical refreshment. The big one in the first picture had two connections offering 50 kilowatt (kW) speeds. Quicker than necessary for an overnight drip and a rather lumpy price of 69 pence per kW. A handsome parking charge.
A typical Tesla supercharger offers 150kW fast charging by comparison, and cost less, even when sited at service stations, notoriously expensive for fossil fuel.