Fund manager logic — sell wind turbines, buy oil

Andrew Howells
8 min readDec 1, 2023

A collection of climate stories mostly

You might be wondering why I’m back in such short order with another finance story.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about Cathie Wood, the CEO of Ark Invest and her search for disruptive innovation, whatever that means? If you missed it, she was an early investor into Tesla. She believes the next big money spinner will be autonomous taxis and the biggest life changer of all, DNA sequencing for you and me.

Merryn Talks Money, a friend’s recommend, has now found traction on my Spotify account. I couldn’t resist another episode last week, Hedge Fund Boss’s Moral Case for Fossil Fuel Investing.

My own bias typically keeps me in the dark about people like Barry Norris and Argonaut Capital.

My financial advisor is under strict instructions to steer well clear of fossil fuels and other industries like airlines, where growth seems such a poor outcome for future generations.

Putting any bias of mine to one side for a moment, I expect future carbon taxes will eventually become de-rigueur, adopted by the majority of governments, because what other choice will they have?

Mountains of debt will need to be funded, public opinion will be behind popular save the planet initiatives…

