Member-only story
Vote riggers, baking soda and a dinosaur tree
A collection of climate stories mostly
Brands behaving badly
Brands that don’t care enough, if at all
The Conservative party
As a rule, I normally don’t bother. Anyone who is kind enough to read my weekly letter, is hopefully heartily sick of the antics of this government and doesn’t need reminders from me.
But this one genuinely does need our attention, so please forgive my rule breaking. It’s unlikely to be picked up by the national press and therefore won’t be condemned with the contempt and ferocity it deserves. It’s also worth a reminder of just how low this bunch of mutinous pirates, to steal another party leader’s opinion of the government this week, is prepared to go.
Government change is also essential if Britain wants to be a leader on climate change, technically and morally.
Courtesy of the conservative party
It looks identical to a postal vote form. The only difference is a marketing disclaimer, bottom left in the shadow. It confirms that all the information provided, in what appears to be a neutral form, casting your vote for the party of your choice, will in fact be used exclusively by the conservative party.