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Vote. The last 747. School recruits pupils to teach
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Brands behaving badly
Brands that don’t care enough, if at all
Vote for the worst company of 2022
Photo by Manny Becerra on Unsplash
Regular readers will know that I set-up a subscription late last year for the ethical consumer.
This week, they asked me to vote for one of the 10 shortlisted companies who disappointed us the most in 2022. Let me know where you’d like me to place my cross. I have three votes.
1. Amazon
A big tax avoider in the UK, channelling cash through Luxembourg. The British government could do something about that though. A bigger crime are their on-going attempts to prevent workers joining a union.
2. Barclays
More UK current accounts than any other bank. They’re the bigest fossil fuel financier in the UK and Europe and like investing in weapons manufacture. Isn’t this more of an indictment of the British public. Changing banks is easy.
3. Boohoo
Fast fashionista with its web site often listing 100 new products every day. Another tax…